Timmerov's Blog
gender neutral marriage
what's the big deal? there's a very good economic reason to recognize same sex marriages: married people pay more taxes than they would if they filed separately as single. also, they don't produce unwanted children. the sanctity of marriage is a delusion. 40% to 50% of heterosexual marriages will end in divorce. so again, what's the problem?
terrorism by the numbers
how many people are terrorists allowed to kill annually? let's do the math. the airlines carry 600 million passengers a year. suppose we could eliminate domestic terrorism if every one of them agreed to waste an extra hour of their lives waiting in lines. suppose people on average would trade away that wasted hour to have 30 extra minutes of life to do anything else. punching numbers on my calculator; i see that hour is equivalent to 34,000 years of human life. compare that to the 112,000 years of human life that was lost on 9/11. a little more math and we are forced to conclude that terrorists need to kill 900 people per year before the extra airport wait becomes reasonable. (let me make a list!) call me a cold hard bastard. i am. just don't make me wait in lines.
tomato soup
i love my wife. she often asks me what i'd like for dinner. one week i had a hankerin' for grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. easy right? not when you're allergic to corn syrup. our regular grocery store no longer carries any unpoisoned soup. the hippie grocery store went through several ownership changes before finally closing. the beautiful and talented alisa made tomato soup for me from scratch. it was delicious. (so was the home made cherry pie!)
bush bash 2
i think the president's in trouble. he's set the precedent that a person can be imprisoned indefinitely without the opportunity to defend themselves, that a person can be assassinated just because someone else says he's a bad person. looking at bush's record, i can't help but wonder when some nutball will conclude that bush himself is a bad man and decide to do something in accordance with the aforementioned precedents.
hide and seek
garrett (or dit-dit as he calls himself) likes to play hide and seek. sometimes he hides with you. sometimes he counts - (hands over eyes) "two, two, two, two, ..."
bush bash 1
there are so many ways to bash bush i figure i better start numbering them. bush may very well be honest and trustworthy. if so then he's also stupid. stupid enough to be puppeteered by people who are neither honest, nor trustworthy, nor stupid.
my plane has been in the shop since july 28th last year. sigh. they had to take it completely apart. it's being put back together now. the rumor is that it's been painted and they need to put the wings back on. then it'll need it's annual inspection. and i can go flying again. yay! anyone want to go see the world upside down?
my hockey team moved to an easier league this season. we weren't involved in very many interesting games in the old league. we just finished this season with 8 wins and 2 losses. almost every game was interesting. playoffs next week.
kitchen update
yay! it's finished. and boy does it look nice. drop in and see it sometime.
total cost of kitchen: $91,428.26