Timmerov's Blog
religious fundamentalism
religious fundamentalism is a bad thing. intelligent, rational, good people will place their faith in a leader and commit the most heinous of atrocities because the leader said it's god's will. jihad, crusades, ethnic cleansing, hate crimes, genocide... let's stamp out this thing whereever it rears its ugly head. starting with the white house. christian fundamentalism is just as bad as al queda. think ku klux klan and neo-nazis. the christian fundamentalists advising bush want to restore israel's biblical boundaries. they don't want peace. let's get them out of the capital. please.
check out my first shareware product
timpani. it's a spreadsheet for dnd 3.5 characters. lotta cool stuff in there. if you don't want it or can't afford it then just paste a link to it on your website so google thinks it's really important. thanks!
iraq war
so the idea is to go to the middle east and kill arabs and they're going to not just not hate us for it but sing our praises and pay for it. who thought up this bonehead idea? can we not elect him again in 2004?
jack died
the three of us were lying on the floor with tears (of sadness) escaping from our eyes. jack was laura's dog. he had died of old age. about 130 years ago. i've never met jack. nor laura ingalls wilder. it's a testament to how well she could write to evoke such a strong emotional response.
we have two choices in iraq. we can claim victory and withdraw. or we can flatten it. all other options are failures.
the enemy
berg ignored warnings to leave iraq. he wanted to stay and help rebuild. he lost his head on video. al queda killed him. al queda is the enemy. not iraq. not even sadr who is fighting an occupation force for his homeland. bush worked very hard to convince us of the lie that iraq and al queda are one and the same. it's more truthful to say that al queda wasn't in iraq until after we got there. can we come home yet?
moral high ground 2
anyone remember animal farm? the animals overthrow their human oppressors only to be oppressed by the pigs. well... if the
perception is that we're no better than saddam then we
are no better than saddam. can we leave iraq yet? oh please mr "snowball" bush and mr "napoleon" cheney.
moral high ground
yesterday i made a right hand turn and some dipwad yelled, "slow down". i stopped and went back for a discussion. he thought i was doing 35 in a 25 zone. actual speed: 22. hey, yelling at speeders is fine. but if you're gonna claim the moral high ground, you'd better make damn sure you're right.
kerry's blowin it
there are two issues that are important this election year: the economy and the wars. that's it. everything else is irrelevant: abortion, civil rights, environment, mars, genetics, etc. kerry needs to steal votes from bush based on the former. any resources kerry spends on the latter are wasted. worse, it's a target bush can use to attack him.