Timmerov's Blog
wake up
imagine this: you're walking down the street. a woman approaches and uses foul language. at the same time another woman removes her top exposing her womanly parts. simultaneously, a third woman pulls out a knife and stabs the person next to you. you can only capture and punish one of the women. which one do you choose? rational people find the violence more upsetting and punish it. of course! which makes it pretty baffling that murders are shown on broadcast tv. as long as there's no cursing. or nudity. are people really incapable of thinking for themselves? are they really only capable of regurgitating whatever position happened to program them first? wake someone up.
pg-13 my @55
last night we watched a pg-13 movie where a man is murdered in the opening sequence. fahrenheit 9/11 got an r rating for bad words. janet jackson caught holy aych ee double toothpicks for a flash of nudity. just for one second think about what we are teaching other people's children: that violence is preferable to talk and love. explains a few things in the news, doesn't it?
patriot act
anyone who thinks the patriot act is a good idea should watch
in the name of the father. innocent people are convicted of an ira bombing that killed 4 people. it would be a comically bad plot if it wasn't a true story.
here here
"The most fundamental conviction that the period of Ike's command in Europe and the Mediterranean imprinted on his mind was the cruelty, wastefulness and stupidity of war. He saw firsthand how war destroyed cities, killed innocent people (in which I would include most of the participating soldiers), wiped out national economies and tore up the structure of civilizations. Its wastefulness cut him to the bone, and its specter never left him." "the general who led the greatest invasion in history privately stressed again and again the value of allies and the futility of attempting something called 'preventative war.'" "We all should wonder as we plunge ahead without allies to prevent wars that never were and never would be." i'm quoting yahoo quoting Cornelius Ryan's book on D-Day, "The Longest Day" quoting john s.d. eisenhower.
the first 10 episodes of the first season were great. then something happened. i'm totally speculating that the 24 hours idea came later. and they hacked on an extra 14 episodes. the first half would get the first 5 (of 5) i've given to a netflix dvd. the second half gets a 2.
mr stinkypants
hockey gear can get really stinky. last night's game was early and i had leave as soon as alisa got home from dance class. so i put on most of my stuff. i had to drive with the window down 'cause it was so smelly. must be time to learn how to use that newfangled washing machine thing in the garage. i'll ask alisa to help. ;->
bee bite
no i don't mean bee sting. nor do i mean bug bite. the other day i was bitten by a bee and this is how it happened. thursday night a hockey stick left an angry red welt swollen and weeping on the back of my left tricep which apparently looks and smells just like a pretty flower if you happen to have a brain the size of a bee. friday afternoon with the boys at the park i was enjoying the sunshine on the grass when i felt a pinch back there. instictively i rubbed the area and brushed away a rather surprised looking hornet. it didn't feel quite like a sting. and it's in a place where i can't see. so i had to ask one of the other dads if there was a bee sting welt on top of the hockey welt. nope. no stinger either. must have been a bee bite.
what do you do when you buy a hot stock that turns out to be a dud? or a nice car that turns out to be a lemon? think jaguar xj5. if you're like me and 99.44% of the rest of the population, you keep it. you keep throwing good money after bad. for some reason people have a very difficult time admitting that they made a bad investment. that they screwed up. that they got hoodwinked. sometimes you can let a dumb idea just go away. like the war on drugs. others aren't so easy. like iraq. the best we can do is to declare victory and get out.