Timmerov's Blog
this year i painted a pumpkin to look like a baseball. i've learned this exercise is for my own gratification. last year i had one whole comment from trick-or-treaters on my strawberry pumpkin.
rubik's cube
i was pretty useless yesterday morning during my allergy reaction so i did something creative. i disassembled one of our rubik's cubes and re-assembled it inside an empty apple sauce jar. i wonder what the world record is for solving rubik's-cube-in-a-bottle.
corn syrup
this allergy to corn syrup really sucks. this morning i woke up unable to read. unusual. i can read now but i cannot see to the right. pah. i suspect a huge headache is coming on. double pah. no more in-and-out burgers for me. triple pah.
alisa's a big fan of the ghostbusters movies. so one day she just cracked up when bennett (recently potty trained) and i were standing in front of the toilet taking care of business and i said, don't cross the streams. apparently, she didn't know that was a little boy joke.
alisa and garrett drove past the hospital today. alisa: look garrett, that's where you were born. that's where mommy and daddy came to get you. garrett: was i there all by myself?
the other day at the park we had lost track of one of garrett's sippy cups. garrett said to one of the other dads, "scuse me. where my cup?"
hockey funny
we won our hockey game last week. first time we've ever beaten this particular team. i got kicked out of the face off circle because my gear was too stinky. another first. heh.
josline's spring is a hole in the wall caribbean place in sunnyvale we went to the other night. it was good. real good. on the way out the chef stopped us. "how'd ya like muh food, man?"
amd stock is on a bit of a run. gosh, i wonder why that is. gee, i sure do wonder how high it'll go. go amd go.
date night last night
tuesdays suck
tuesdays suck because there is no new
order of the stick and no new
casey and andy. bleh.
our hockey team is doing really well. we're currently in sole possession of first place with one overtime loss. we've played one game more than the other two teams with one loss. everyone's goal production is up. we're all playing with confidence. especially the goalie. go team go!
rules of flying
#7 do not get distracted by anything (like say an aircraft on the runway aborting its take-off) while doing low speed s-turns on final. #8 do NOT do low speed s-turns on final. #9 power off stall recovery: FULL power immediately! stick forward immediately. #10 do not rely on the instructor to save your asses.
rules of flying
#6 do not get distracted by a shrieking passenger. especially if you've just violated rule #1.
rules of flying
#5 no strange food within 2 days of a flight. i'm allergic to eating corn syrup. getting sick at the stick would be bad.
rules of flying
#4 do not get distracted by other aircraft during aerobatic maneuvers.
rules of flying
#3 recover physically from negative g's (flying upside down) before initiating positive g's (flying rightside up). specifically refers to split-s and cuban 8. during negative g's gravity pulls too much blood into your head. so your neck shuts down the flow to a trickle. when you immediately go to +3 g's gravity stops forcing blood into your head. your neck arteries open up again but that takes several seconds longer than it takes for you to pass out.
rules of flying
#2 do not confuse the transponder ident button with the radio toggle. ident tells the tower where you are. if you accidentally switch radio frequencies, the tower won't know where are and won't be able to ask you either.
rules of flying
i fly airplanes upside. it's great fun. let me know if you'd like to go for a spin. literally. ;-> anyway, i keep a list of things to remind myself periodically. most were inspired by mistakes i made while flying. #1 review spin recovery technique BEFORE entering spin.
bush bash
so either bush intentionally lied and led us to war in iraq. in which case, he's guitly of treason. or he was totally and completely duped into it. in which, case he's incompetent. either way he's gotta be removed from office.
spin job
the latest cia report pretty much contradicts everything the administration said before the war. cheney's trying to say that it justifies the war. if they can get the public to swallow that one it would be the biggest spin job since the resurrection.
it's ironic that after the first gulf war saddam had banned weapons and stayed in power. and this time he didn't have banned weapons and was removed.
mr crabtree
bennett's first grade teacher was out sick today. the substitute's name was, and i'm not kidding here, was mr. crabtree. there is no way, no way i could have behaved that day. apparently they couldn't either.
there were some in the japanese military who knew the allies had broken their secret communication codes. unfortunately, nobody could deliver such bad news to the guys in charge for fear of losing their positions. or worse. they ended up paying for it. bush's government has the same features. anyone presenting anything the president doesn't want to hear is removed or ridiculed. the opposition has no representation. and we're going to pay for it.
go dog go!
the original game for the macintosh was go dog go. garrett and i were just playing it. you start up a word processor. make the font size real big. type D O G. move the cursor back to the beginning. then get the toddler on your lap to hold the space bar down. shout go dog go! advanced players can then hold down the backspace key and shout back dog back!
go russia
russia is set to ratify that kyoto thing. go russia. makes us look pretty stupid doesn't it?