Timmerov's Blog
yeah, israel's been our good buddy for a long time. in a sort of nasty dog kind of way. but when you get right down to it... we need arab oil way more than we need an anti-arab ally. it's really not so surprising that our relationship with israel is changing. the real question is: what took so long?
i've got a nasty cold flu disease thing. at first it wasn't so bad. but then it turned icky. the crap in my lungs feels more like latex paint than mucus. it's thin and sticky. and really likes being coughed half way out. where it completely blocks the airway. so you can't breathe back in. then it likes to stick to the swallerin apparatus. just enough to trigger the gag reflex. loverly eh?
taxes 2014
this year's tax rate is 25%. middle of the road again. we still have capital loss carryforward. which is skewing things a bit still.
nasa's in a bit of trouble. but maybe it'll work out okay. in the long run. the very long run. hopefully the science denier chairing the science committee will look so foolish that nasa will get everything it needs for generations to come. wouldn't that be nice. as it is right now, we have to explain in small words repeatedly things like: humans want to leave this planet and go live on other planets. most likely they're going to need a wee bit of terraforming first. so how are we going to do that when we're having trouble maintaining our own climate? how are we going to do that when our leaders are having trouble admitting that there might be a problem?
so i was thinking about programming languages. c++11 is pretty cool. but it inherited a bunch of useless baggage. and it added some more all on its own. maybe i'll just figgit. okay. so here's the question. what's the difference between a class and a function? at first glance it seems pretty silly. but they share some properties. both have data: classes have fields and functions have parameter lists. we think of them differently. but they're both just data. you can declare a function with a class. and you can declare a class within a function. so why not give them the exact same syntax? hrm...
a la bambam
what the fuck is wrong with alabama? federal constitution trumps state constitution. dumbasses.
i am sad
i am sad that palindrome is not a butt tuba.
iran in iraq
iran fighting isis in iraq/syria seems to be working out reasonably well. neither shias nor sunnis really want an isis like entity anywhere near them. course i proposed this as an alternative to invading iraq allegedly to get al quaeda. back during the presidency that shall not be mentioned. and i got sneered under the rug. cause you know, i'm sooooo stoooopid. sheehs. you want to get our enemies to fight each other? jebus!! that's the stupidest thing ever! let's spend a few percent of the nation's net worth trying to wipe out all of em! yeah good idea. and how did that work out? yeah, one of these parties is definitely stupid.