Timmerov's Blog
the beautiful and talented alisa and myself were shopping at the farmer's market yesterday. white wisps were falling from the sky. she asked, is this ash? it could be. dunno. i suggested some sort of pollen or seed fluff like thing. whatever. we bought our veggies and apple cider. yum! as we were packing up and leaving i noticed what looked like smoke coming out of a trash can. is that a fire i asked? the beautiful and talented alisa immediately looked skyward. to see the fire that was launching all that ash. but then she followed my gaze. a lady was standing over the trashcan with a phone and barking orders to someone to get a fire extinguisher from one of the local restaurants. okay great. she's got it. and i started to leave. but then i had a second thought. she doesn't really got it. sigh. so i went back to the trash can. a paper napkin in a styrofoam take out container was smoldering. wee. i pulled it out. set it on the ground and stomped it until it wasn't smoldering anymore. another nice lady wanted to pour her coffee on it. which amused me. so i moved the remains of the remains of someone's meal to the dirt next to a tree. and the lady doused it. now it's good and out. and back in the trash can it went. the first lady was on the phone saying nevermind. a stranger put it out. i'm wondering if she called 911. heh. firetrucks at the farmer's market. for a "fire" smaller than my shoe. heh.
honey do's
since i find myself with some free time... i no longer have an excuse to avoid all the things that haven't gotten done since the last time i didn't have an excuse. top of the list is painting my office. this'll be fun. it's empty. it took a few hours (days really). next step is to scrape the cheese off the ceiling. the beautiful and talented alisa removed the cheese from every other room in the house years ago. so i'm way behind. my beautiful 3 monitor setup is temporarily relocated to the living room. and down sized to a single monitor. sigh. that'll motivate me to finish quickly, eh?
we all got warn notices this week. which means our employment will be terminated in 60 days. so i'm job hunting. i'm kinda torn between doing something in my current area of expertise, ie game streaming. or doing something completely new. like natural language processing, machine learning, nuclear fusion, other. or maybe i'll just sponge up topcoder monies. ha ha.
nailed it
little girls want to rule the world.
supporting evidence. enjoy.