Timmerov's Blog
we use git at work. i fucking hate it. why use one command when you can use four? cause git. the one benefit of git is you can work without a network connection to the repository. but i never do that. so git's big benefit is a big fat zero. it's not that i just don't know the commands yet. i do. and man... every company working on proprietary stuff should use svn. and maybe open source projects too. add a hook so only torvalds can commit to trunk. everyone else can commit to their own branch. it'd work. course you wouldn't be able to ride a camel around the desert for 40 days and 40 nights and keep source control.
i know i shouldn't post about co-workers here. but i just can't help it. i'm paraphrasing what this guy said to our boss recently. but not by much. anywho. him say: i don't want to follow instructions. i want to do whatever i want. i want you to assign someone else the job of cleaning up the mess. cause it will be easy for them and it's too hard for me.
i first put my pc together 5 years ago. since then i've upgraded the gpu twice. and added a big data drive. and added more memory. it's been a pretty good computer for a long time. but it's been acting up lately. i've been using centos dual boot with windows 7 for about a year. with really very few issues. but last week no more centos. no idea why. it just wouldn't boot. the centos install disk didn't boot up either. nor did the centos live disk. we use ubuntu at work. the try-ubuntu feature sometimes comes up. sometimes not. it's really very frustrating. i can usually install ubuntu. i bought a nice new ssd. it has the exact same issues as the mechanical hard drive before it had. windows had issues one boot. and was fine the next. that's when i finally gave up and ordered a new motherboard and cpu. am sticking with amd. not because i really love amd or anything. but because the same computes from intel cost twice as much. which just seems really weird. i feel like i have a terminally ill friend. the new parts will be here in a week. more posts then.
'ow t' spik texan
give this sentence from the texas republican party platform to a kid. tell em to diagram it. "homosexuality is a chosen behavior that is contrary to the fundamental unchanging truths that has been ordained by God in the Bible, recognized by our nation's founders, and shared by the majority of Texans." according to the rules of grammar, the "that" before "has been ordained by god" refers to behavior because "has" is singular. if it was "have", which is plural "that" would refer to truths. so let me rephrase the sentence a bit to make the meaning of what they actually wrote clear. without actually changing the meaning of what they wrote. homosexuality is: a chosen behavior that is contrary to the fundamental unchanging truths; ordained by god in the bible; recognized by our nation's founders; and shared by the majority of texans. to put it even more simply. according to the texas republican party: homosexuality is a not a choice. god loves fags. the founding fathers accepted fags. texans are fags. and the sound bite version: texans were born queer. god loves them. just as the founding fathers intended.
end of watch
we have a large number of movies in our netflix queue. i've stopped trying to sort them. or even looking at what's coming next. cause surprise! and otherwise i'd never watch some of the things on our list. some of which have been on there so long i have no idea how it got there. or why. like end of watch. in one sense it's just another cop show. where white cops arrest black people. and latinos are the bad guys. i'm not sure if that's intentional or not. i think it is. in which case the portrayal of social issues is superbly balanced. not so in your face. but definitely present. it's a good watch. though not a particularly easy watch.