someone name the form of government with these features stolen from well known forms of government:
- like communism, The State, meaning The People, owns all property.
- unlike communism, The State controls nothing.
- like capitalism, Individuals control everything.
- unlike capitalism, Individuals rent from The State the exclusive right to use property.
- this rent is a progressive wealth tax. the more property The Individual controls, the higher the rate. for example, 6% at $1 billion. but only 1% at $1 million.
- 50% of the revenues collected by The State is directly paid equally to The People without regard to means or needs. kinda like a basic income guarantee.
- The State uses the remainder to fulfill its obligations to the The People.
- The State is responsible for the welfare of The Individuals. including but not limited to: defense, education, health, infrastructure.
- The Individual must satisfy their obligations to The State. including but not limited to: voting, health, education, taxes.
- The People elect representatives using reverse rank order voting. ie. the candidate with the most last place votes is removed from the ballot.
- Elections of equal magnitude are held annually.
- Every Individual subject to the laws of The State is a member of The State. as such, The Individual may vote, collect benefits, etc. the concept of restricted citizenship is recognized as a means for The State to violate its contract with The People.
- The Individual has the right to put themselves at risk to pursue happiness. The Individual, not The State, gets to decide how much risk and what pursuing happiness means.
- The Individual may not put other Individuals at risk.
- The State may not restrict any activity by an Individual unless it directly causes real tangible harm to other Individuals.
- Individuals have the right to arm themselves on par with the forces that police them.
- the justice system progresses through: education, rehabilitation, restitution, exile, and execution. imprisonment is recognized as counter-productive.