i am thankful i live in a country where:
- people sincerely believe the world is flat.
- and that vaccines cause autism.
- water has magical healing properties when you dilute away the active ingredients.
- the moon landing was faked.
- climate change is a hoax.
- but supply side economics is not.
- soviet socialism and democratic socialism are the same: bad.
- capitalists are job-creators and are therefore exempt from taxation.
- support for a president who wants to fuck his daughter.
- you can be healthy or rich. or you can die from lack of health care.
- health insurance is the same as health care.
- love your neighbor means build a wall.
- hillary is a crook.
- but trump is not.
- fewer children die from cancer than from gun violence.
- your ignorance is better than my knowledge.
- the solution to crime is for-profit incarceration and recidivism.
- others are sued for our misfortune.
- delusion is king.
- life expectancy is falling.
- true is false. right is wrong. fact is fiction.
- third parties are barred from the ballot.
- homeless pets are funded better than homeless people.
- there is no public transportation.
- marijuana is illegal.
- but alcohol and nicotine aren't.
- 43% vote.
- debt is 105% of gdp.
- torture enemies.
- eggs must be refrigerated.
- borrow and spend.
- denial of obesity.
- truth is whatever we say it is.