Timmerov's Blog
kitchen update
one more check to go. i think.
total cost of kitchen so far: $86,645.87
phone gaff
we've been without a phone in the kitchen for four months. i finally got tired of it. so i hooked up the wires. checked for a dial tone. i called my sister and talked to my mother just to test it out real good. and that's that, right? nope. a little while later the phone rings and it's someone calling for my neighbor. turns out their phone line comes into my house. anyone want to call pakistan? the phone company's 611 voice mail just isn't prepared to handle this case. and there's no option to talk to a human being. gonna let the neighbor deal with it. now i wonder where my phone line might be going.
my youngest son will have no trouble finding a wife. he has blonde hair, blue eyes, and mom trained him to put the seat down after he pees.
kitchen update
well, they're not quite finished yet. the fireplace needs some sort of sealer. need smoke alarms. an outlet needs to be attached to the wall. the hood pipe needs its skirt. the handles need to be attached to the drawers and cabinets. painting this weekend. we're really really close. two more checks to write. looks like we're going to be 50% over original estimate.
total cost of kitchen so far: $85,995.87
my boss is a very creative individual who shares my fascination with technology. he comes up with these outside the box ideas for products. my job is to categorize them as sane or insane. i am a hummingbird zipping from one honey filled flower to the next.
kitchen update
i informed the contractors that tomorrow is the last day they may work. anything they don't get finished won't be done by them. i'll do it. and they won't get paid for it. this project has gone on long enough. fortunately, most likely they'll be finished. except for painting. i hate painting.
airplane update
i went to see my airplane in the maintenance hangar. some wood broke in july and they had to remove all of the canvas to make repairs. it looked like a kit job for a while. now it looks like it's sitting there in its linen white underwear. they say about another two weeks. i should get the chutes repacked.