Timmerov's Blog
i had the flu starting monday. chills, fever, shakes, post nasal drip, barfing all night. usually, vomiting is a violent acidic affair that embeds bile in the back of your eyeballs. not this time. this was more of a freak show performance. muscles tense and a long green rope of mucus snakes its way out of my stomach, past my throat, tickles over my tongue, and gracefully arcs into the toilet bowl water with hardly a splash. it was almost pleasant. i should be in cirque du soleil. not. today is thursday and i feel much better.
spam update
2 spams in 10 days. my little fix seems to have worked. on a related but completely unrelated topic, today, our patent attorney filed a patent where i'm one of the co-inventors. this invention could stop spam as we know it and i'll be rich. with my new-found wealth i think i'll buy microsoft, fire bill, and discontinue windows. muhahahahahahahah!
kitchen update
now there really is only one payment left. yay! it sure is pretty, even with all of the scratches on the floor. one of the workers wants to take pictures. working on his resume i suppose. another person wants to come see it so she can decide if she wants to hire tracy laehn construction to remodel her kitchen also. now, if only i could get my airplane fixed.
total cost of kitchen so far: $89,089.26
my boss and i were discussing ways to combat spam yesterday. i get lots of spam. usually, it gets filtered into the spam box and i never look at it. that which does get through is usually deleted without me even looking at it. so yesterday i actually looked at my collection of spam. conveniently, it's all addressed to postmaster. i can't just delete postmaster. so i made it auto-reply with a message to please send future correspondence to postmaster-nospam and with a non-existent delete_immediately return address so bounces don't kill me. i seem to have solved my spam problem. hooray!
i, terrorist
add music boxes to your list of things not to take in your carry on luggage. my sister gave our mother a present to take across the country for our grandmother. she was pulled out of line at gunpoint and made to stand against the wall, hands up, legs spread, for what i'm sure felt like an eternity while hordes of tsa agents, police, swat teams, dogs and helicopters, hup hup hup, descended upon one terrified grandmother of 5 who really shouldn't be tripping any profile flags being white, old, and female. eventually, someone was brave enough to open the present and turn the thing on.