Timmerov's Blog
taxes 2013
it's that time of year again. wee. everyone loves it. taxes are mostly done. mostly. done enough that i can calculate our tax rate using the formula first posted
here. last year's income was pretty middle of the road. the tax rate worked out to be 27%-ish. again middle of the road. not surprising. to me at least. we still have capital losses carrying forward. so some of our income is taxed at 0% instead of 15%. but not much. in fact, because of the magic of tax law... when i set the capital loss carryforward to $0, our tax rate... wait. want to take guess? i'll wait. we'll make more money, so should our tax rate go up or down? taxes are supposed to be progressive. right? and if you think they are, then our tax rate should go up when we have more income. but it doesn't. it drops to 26%. again, not surprising to me. i'm pretty sure we don't actually have a progressive income tax. i'm pretty sure we're in the bracket where income tax is regressive. and there's another data point supporting my hypothesis. heh. i was just gonna post our tax rate. not lecture. and look at me go.
so you think your son is strange? hrm. let's compare notes. my son wrote 1299 on the grocery list. with every expectation that we'd translate it to roman numerals. and further figure out that mccic is an acronym for mint chocolate chip ice cream. which obviously is what he wanted. so. tell me how your kids are strange.
so very wrong
a child a child shivers in the cold. let us bring him silver and gold. what?!?! seriously? this pretty much illustrates exactly what what is wrong with religion today. a child shivering in the cold needs a blanket. not precious metals. sheehs people. think. and if you're not going to think, don't sing about how stupid you are. the son of god doesn't need silver and gold. he's the frikken son of god. he could wish up ark-loads of silver and gold for cryin' out loud. that second line was added by the hucksters and the charlatans and the false prophets who are not the son of god who do want to relieve you of your real profits. i can't believe i have to explain this.
foot pasta
when we run out of something, add it to the shopping list on the blackboard by the door. shoppers check this list before they go shopping. if you announce at dinner that you're out of toothpaste, someone's likely to give you a cold stare. i just wen to target yesterday. grumble grumble grumble. followed by the lecture about adding things to the blackboard. which everyone tunes out. cause they've heard it a million times before. i haven't heard anyone get it in a while. mostly cause the kids are pretty well trained. mostly. except for one itsy bitsy teeny weeny little detail. their penmanship. err, chalkmanship? hrm. anywho. sometimes it takes a while to figure out what the scratch on the list is meant to represent. i don't know what foot pasta is. much less where to buy it. but it sounds pretty gross.
science and scientists were much more popular when i was kid. course back in the good old days science was full of promise. we can go to the moon. we can make energy so free it won't be worth metering. we can eradicate disease. etc. etc. today though. science is more playing the role of nanny. you can't burn so much coal. you can't take so many fish from the sea. you can't have warp drive. not yours. no no no no no. is it really any wonder why so many people are less than supportive of science and technology and scientists?
driving tip
don't be in such a hurry to get to a red light.