foot pasta
when we run out of something, add it to the shopping list on the blackboard by the door. shoppers check this list before they go shopping. if you announce at dinner that you're out of toothpaste, someone's likely to give you a cold stare. i just wen to target yesterday. grumble grumble grumble. followed by the lecture about adding things to the blackboard. which everyone tunes out. cause they've heard it a million times before. i haven't heard anyone get it in a while. mostly cause the kids are pretty well trained. mostly. except for one itsy bitsy teeny weeny little detail. their penmanship. err, chalkmanship? hrm. anywho. sometimes it takes a while to figure out what the scratch on the list is meant to represent. i don't know what foot pasta is. much less where to buy it. but it sounds pretty gross.