as any gamer knows, wars are an incredible waste of resources: money, equipment, lives. so why did we go to war in iraq? i've already established that bush is a liar. so we can't believe what he says. put yourself in his place. every thanksgiving and christmas for 12 years he's been going to family dinners and listening to his father go on and on about what a mistake it was to not remove saddam during the first gulf war instead of letting him thumb his nose at the u.n. and make an unsuccessful assassination attempt on bush senior a couple of years later. junior's been planning to murder saddam for 15 years. his plans were delayed by that little war in afghanistan. although that did make it possible to crush saddam the old fashioned way which was sure a lot more satisfying than waiting for good intelligence on where he was and firing a few dozen cruise missiles.
before the war, we were led to believe by implication if not by direct statement, that saddam had the capability to use biological, chemical, and/or nuclear weapons right here in the united states at a moment's notice. and that if we didn't stop him right now he would use those weapons. ignore the moral and ethical problems with the war, this is what made starting the war like we did so scary. it threatened to bring casualties to my doorstep. in effect, it put my house on the front line. i, my wife, my two preschool children had been drafted to fight this foolish war. this is why i was so angry at our idiot president.
the case against the war was strong. crushing economic sanctions made iraq a non-threat to its neighbors. he was effectively neutralized and impotent. that's why he was acting like such a buffoon. why couldn't we ignore him like we're ignoring kim jong il? cause bush wants to murder saddam. anyway, that's water under the bridge. we fools started this stupid war. and now we have to finish it.
it's pretty clear now that bush lied about iraq's weapons. i actually feel a lot better about the war now because it's not coming to my house. it's still a stupid waste of resources ie my tax dollars, just because one man wants to murder another to atone for his father's mistake and avenge the attempt on his father's life.
other "good" things about the war: our allies in the area can no longer stick their heads in the sand and deny their own problems. we've given the nutball terrorists in the area a nice big fat juicy candy colored target to go for instead of raising money and followers to come do bad things here. except our soldiers are armed, protected, motivated and permitted to hit back. let the nutjobs kill themselves on our soldiers who have volunteered to put themselves at risk so the rest of us can stay safe at home and stick medals on the parents of the ones that come home in body bags.
in this country, the ends do not justify the means. junior knew what he was doing all along. he lied about it because he knew it was wrong.