election anomalies
huh. there seems to be something strange going on. exit polls predicted a sweep for kerry. like to the point where someone sat bush down and told him he lost. big. what went wrong? looking closer some folks have found that the exit polls were spot on for counties that used e-voting machines. they were only off for those using optical scan. so again, what went wrong? some possibilities: 1) nothing. statistical fluctuations happen. 2) intentional fraud. someone cheated on behalf of the republicans. 3) unintentional error. "dixiecrats" register democrat. vote republican. and fib to the exit pollsters. 4) programming error. i've seen weirder bugs in code. heck, i've created 'em. 5) other. who knows. i'll keep poking. fuel for future blogs. or maybe i'll just disappear. ;->