i scored my fourth goal of the season last night. yay! we lost. again. boo! it was a feisty game. the refs lost control of it. why? they called someone for diving. sheehs. get a fucking clue. there are three reasons to call a penalty. one, protect the referees. two, protect the health of the players (roughing, slashing, high sticking). three, cheating to gain an advantage (tripping, hooking, interference, too many men, delay of game). where does embellishing fit in? it doesn't. when a guy flops he takes himself out of the play. no ref was threatened. the other team didn't lose position of the puck. the other team didn't give up a goal. the other team didn't lose a scoring opportunity. we were all entertained by the clown's antics. so where's the harm? no harm, no foul.