then and now
the violent death rate in iraq is 25.71 per 100,000 (presumably per year). for comparison washington dc is 45.9. shocking i know. still, where would you like to go for your next vacation? iraq's rate is a lot higher than it was before the invasion. the death rate went from 5% to 7.9%. only some of that increase is violent deaths. the rest is infant mortality, exposure to heat/cold, poisons like bullet fragments in your food and water, lack of nutrition, disease, etc. heh. we've successfully made their country more like ours. can't just let a country live in peace. can we? not even our own apparently. for a more appropriate statisitcal comparison: compare the u.s. at 5.5 to iraq at 25.71, and washington dc at 45.9 to baghdad at ~75.