people use the train analogy to describe the quadruple wammy of global warming, peak oil, overpopulation, and u.s. bankruptcy. we're on a train and it's heading for a cliff. there are folks screaming, stop the train! or we're all gonna die! aaaahhhh! heh. it sure would be nice to stop the train. but that will be a whole lot of work. the world is filled with a whole lot of lemmings. and on the other end of the train there are folks pushing it faster. good god why? well, the theory is that if we hit the die off sooner instead of later fewer of us will die. another theory is they're not the ones that are gonna die. or it's someone else's problem. might as well enjoy the ride. or it's too much work. let someone else do it. or they're too stupid to look ahead. or too lazy. or they're convinced that god will take care of them. heh. he will. he'll collect us all up to heaven.