all hallow's eve. the night when the barrier between the worlds of the living and the dead is at its thinnest. if it's possible for ghosts and spirits to cross over they'll do it this night. anywho, we grew our own pumpkins this year in the back yard. i often carve or paint my pumpkin with some sort of dead theme. usually it's pretty tasteless. like the time i put a bullet hole in one pumpkin and a pink pillbox hat on an adjacent one a la jfk. this year's victim of course was steve irwin. i thought about mocking up a sting ray barb and stabbing it into a pumpkin. but a rush of creativity overtook me. this happens sometimes. one year i painted a pumpkin like a strawberry. another year it was a baseball. so this year i found a picture of the dead guy and ps'd it into a bunch of black and white blobs. i printed it and taped it onto the pumpkin. then i peeled off the skin where the black blobs where. it was a lot of work. i was pretty disappointed with the results. and was considering the barbie back up plan. but i stuck a candle in it at night. it looked amazing. easily my best pumpkin ever.