usually i swear by my online bank. i really can't imagine writing checks by hand every month any more. it's just silly. but they've recently done something incredibly stuuupid. now in order to get access to MY money i have to log in with my secure password and now in addition i also have to answer a challenge question. i get to select six questions from a list. but very few of them actually apply to me. what is my favorite candy? is it a krackle bar? or is it a krackel bar. like i freakin pay attention to the spelling. it's the red one. what's my favorite movie? it's different right now than it was 5 minutes ago. sheehs. so now the answers to the challenge questions are all fuckyou. somehow i don't think they're getting the additional security they were hoping for. don't get between me and my money. i'm a hacker, goddammit.