so there's a bit a prankster in me. i got joe real good one time. a long time ago. see back in the day computer monitors were cube shaped things that weighed a frikken ton. and you could write an extension and drop it into the system folder and the next time they restarted their computer your trojan would be doing its thing. fixing things was usually a simple matter of finding the offending file and dropping it into the trash can. you could be nice and name it something like 'definitely not a prank'. or you could name it 'printer driver' and give it a system looking icon. and change the date to match the system. and mark it invisible. etc. just to make it a challenge. this particular one turned the image on his screen upside down. that made it a bit more fun to find the offending extension simply because it's much harder to find things when they're upside down. it's easy enough to boot with extensions off. that's almost like cheating though. so he found it, removed it, and said, ha ha. a few days later i put it back. yeah yeah ha ha again. a few more days later came the payoff. he automatically restarted with extensions off. but everything was still upside down. oh shit. now what? i think he pulled everything out of the system folder. no luck. finally he boots on an external cd drive because his system was no longer bootable. and everything was still upside down! now hang on just one gosh darn minute here. i had hefted that monster screen, spun it, and sat it on its top. it was symmetrical enough to pass casual observation. especially after the conditioning of the previous two pranks.