let's suppose, fantastically, that asteroids are created by human activity. let's be silly and say brewing beer on earth creates asteroids in space. don't ask me how this would work. just accept it as a fact in this imaginary universe. people like to drink beer. but folks start to notice that gosh there's been a lot of meteor showers recently. so scientists investigate. and publish. and the obvious conclusion is that we need to stop drinking beer. or eventually one of these doomsday rocks is gonna fuck us up. the breweries of course are out of business. so they do everything they can to keep selling beer. and people like drinking beer. so they're inclined to believe that drinking beer won't destroy the earth. the breweries will cast doubt on the connection between beer and asteroids. and they'll cast doubt on the size of the asteroids and the probabilities of getting hit. and what size asteroids will do what damage. and so on and so forth. and all the while they'll be brewing beer and making asteroids. naturally the radicals will start screaming like chicken little just to be heard. and now the breweries sound like the voice of reason. and we're doomed.