ddo naked
one day our group picked up a berserker. he and i ran ahead and killed everything. i heard this buzzing noise from the other players. buzz buzz stay with the healer buzz buzz group for buffs buzz buzz don't run ahead buzz buzz. he left the group after we completed the quest. so i sent him a message saying i liked the pace. he invited me to join a group of his friends. every last one of their characters was a damage machine. it was the most impressive display of carnage i'd ever seen. a single flesh render strikes fear into entire parties of our level. we went to a dungeon full of them. and mowed them like wheat. i made the comment: who needs armor when nothing lives long enough to swing at you? next thing i know everyone's nekkid and the carnage continued. swing on the run. no point stopping. that'd just put you at the back of the pack chasing naked dwarf butts.