when people are too stubborn or too stupid to do the right thing for the wrong reason it's perfectly acceptable to get them to do the right thing for the wrong reason. now before you get your panties all in a bunch and flame me... make a list of all the right things you do for the wrong reasons. here let me get you started. you drive under the speed limit because you don't want to get a ticket. you pay taxes because you don't want to be arrested. you vote because your wife nags you. you quit smoking because it made your furniture stink. you brush your teeth because you want them white. you go to church, pray, and tithe because your mommy told you god wants you to. add to this list all the wrong reasons you use to get your kids to do the right thing. eat your vegetables so you get a treat. bring home good report cards so you can play video games. be nice to your brother or get a spanking. list still empty? congratulations. you're an outlier. with emphasis on "liar".