i was sitting in the dentist's chair thinking about cons. i really need to believe my dentist isn't scamming me. but if i were to run a dentist scam it would go like this. train the hygienists to pull the patient's gums away from their teeth. not much. just a little each time. use tools to measure their pockets that actually make the pockets worse. both techniques allow more bacteria deeper. cover your activities by telling the patient that they don't do a good enough job brushing and flossing. nobody does. everyone believes this. eventually the bacteria does its thing. and now you can recommend laser treatement to blast the plaque off their teeth. for a fee of course. but don't worry. your insurance will pay for most of it. you can also augment the process by seeding the patient's mouth with bad bacteria that eats teeth faster. soon we're in the wonderful world of surgery, implants, and profits. i am gonna be so rich.