lobster man
there was one guy on the galapagos boat who never used sunscreen in his life. and he didn't see any reason to start just because he was at the equator. needless to say he turned a bright red usually reserved for boiled lobsters. the doctor pretty much made him wear sunscreen. the dumbass was gonna sun stroke and die if he didn't. there were two sisters on our boat. both named linda-susan. must have been an interesting childhood. there was a guy building greenish second homes in costa rica for rich folks with eco guilt. there were three girls aged: 13, 15, 18. there was a minister with his second wife. there were professors of mathematics, zoology, and sex. there was a former employee of my current boss. there wasn't a single lawyer. at least, no one admitted to being one. generally the group was pretty liberal. which makes sense. considering we're going to the place that inspired darwin. which is anathema to the more conservative end of the spectrum. which is too bad. it's a beautiful place. anywho, some of them went with us to machu picchu. and we picked up others. one woman looked for all the world like an animated toadstool. she was a wonderful person. despite having bad knees and altitude sensitivity. not a good combination for walking around a city built on the top and sides of one of many spectacularly steep mountains.