we've been to the great pyramids, the parthenon, the temple of olympic zeus, ephesus, machu picchu, and so on. places where people made stuff by piling rocks. you have to marvel at how they did this stuff without the benefit of modern machinery. and if you're like me you wonder how they did it. and you get these ideas. and sooner or later you gotta try em out. my buddy joe has a few acres of farmland in the middle of suburbia. it's the perfect place to mess with big rocks. his beloved wife mary is just nutty enough to let us pour concrete slabs on her property. a small stonehenge like arch is kinda picnic table shaped. so that's what we started building this summer. we dug a grave like hole. and poured a slab at the bottom. that'll be the "bedrock". i made really fancy forms for the table legs. they kinda look like coffins for children. we'll pour them as soon as it cools off a bit. damn it's hot. we're taking pictures. next trip we'll stand them on end and pour the tabletop. one last trip and we'll put the tabletop on the legs. voila! easy no? the forms were a lot of woodworking because two off them have to fit in the trunk of my car along with four people and stuff. i got kinda sick of that part of the project. hopefully that was the hard part and the rest will be a breeze. a hot breeze. heh. riiiiiiight.