i found a website that published an interesting set of facts regarding green myths. it was a wonderful demonstration of how to spin facts. for example, walking 3 miles to work is worse for the environment than driving because the food calories needed to power the person are so energy intensive to produce. well, technically mostly true if the food is beef. not so much if it's milk. and they didn't mention vegetables which are some 7x less energy intensive than beef. second very few people commute 3 miles to work. they didn't mention bicycles. and they compared energy used per mile. which takes an hour on foot and some 6 minutes by car. what does the driver do for the 54 minutes he saved by driving instead of walking? kinda blows the whole savings out the window if he drives to the gym and exercises for an hour. also doesn't the presented data suggest we should address the cost of food production instead of promoting the use of cars? sheehs. as if eating were optional.