henry coe state park is burning. when it started it was a lovely giant smoke plume on the horizon. now it's a general haze that makes the sunrises look like something that should not be seen on this earth. the extra soot in the air gets in my nose and reacts with the stuff that's already there. the product is something unique in my experience. the mucus in my nose has taken on an almost latex-like texture. i noticed this brushing my teeth when i accidentally started blowing snot bubbles out of my nose. a few more 'accidents' later and i had to call over the kids. webbih, gareuh, gum ear. chech ih ow. (i still had a mouth full of toothpaste and brush.) i got a nice satisfying EEEWWWWW! then of course they wanted to blow snot bubbles too. i of course did the only reasonable thing. i sent them off to school.