i was explaining to the boys about superstition. the adage for hiking/camping trips is if you take a raincoat you won't need it. if you don't you will. the belief that independent events are related is a superstition. we were having this discussion at the post office. granny's computer executed the halt and catch fire instruction. we were sending her our old laptop which will be a major upgrade over her 5 year old pos pc. i made the boys take books to the post office in case the line was long. of course it wasn't. so we didn't need the books. but if we hadn't brought the books the lines would have been long. if you're superstitious. which we aren't. so now this rambling preamble brings me to the dilemma. the scout pack visited the police station. officer dan gave everyone child id kits. collect the kid's finger prints and photos before they get abducted. it's obviously a really good idea. we've had them a long time without filling them out. um why? if we fill them out we'll need them. if we don't we won't. right? 'course we're not superstition at all. we're just excellent procrastinators. right? right?!?