garrett got into a tussling match with a neighbor kid and fractured his collar bone. i'm used to adult injuries. being a wrestling coach i've seen my share. but kid injuries are very different. the collar bone is just under the skin. so it's pretty easy to see. g's was clearly not right. so we took him to urgent care for x-rays. boy has x-ray technology improved since the last time i had x-rays. some 20 years ago. it's digital. like your camera. so the pictures show up on the computer right away. no waiting for film to develop. yay! anywho, g's collar bone was in one piece. and in the right place. which surprised the crap out of me. but it had a big ole crimp in it. like the kind you get when you bend a pipe 90 degrees and then straighten it. ouch. that had to hurt. poor little guy. his arm's gonna be in a sling for a while. and he gets to play attention whore. yeah, poor little guy.