a frog jumps out of hot water. but it won't if the water starts comfy and you slowly bring it to a boil. anywho. my mother wants to move to california from pennsylvania. specifically about 2-3 hours drive from where we live. so we found a recommended real estate agent made the drive and started looking at houses. or so we thought we would. this agent was not the right person for us. we said $300k to $500k. she didn't show us a single house under $500k. she loved gated communities. and malls. we said if we see another mall we're gonna puke. i fly airplanes upside down. but i was getting pretty carsick in her car. i didn't feel safe the way she drove. i saved her from an accident once. she locked the car doors when a homeless vet walked by. she kept promising to deliver what we wanted. but never did. after a few failures to communicate we stopped trying. let's go back to the office and find some homes to look at. okay, we'll just drive through yet another gated community neighborhood first. or maybe three. she couldn't believe it when we said we'd find a different agent. so she called my poor unsuspecting wife wanting to know why. looking back with the 20/20 clarity of hindsight it's clear we got boiled and could have jumped out at any time. but sheehs. ribbit ribbit.