when people first arrived in new zealand they were pretty much the first predators. getting food was easy. just walk down the path and grab a yummy bird. they got fat and tall and multiplied. but eventually the good times came to an end. they started to run out of easy to catch tasty critters. so they started to go hungry. and became skinny short farmers. not because they wanted to. but because it was better than starving to death. it's a typical story. it's happened countless times all over the world and throughout history. putting modern terminology into the mix and you get a summary like this. the maori hunter gathers had a very high energy returned on invested energy (eroie). but they consumed their resources. the eroie fell to the point where the hunter gatherer life of luxury went away. and they were forced to scratch dirt for food. ie the low eroie solution. it's hard to say that's good or bad. it's a progression. they're working harder than ever before. but there are also more people and more food than ever before.