i don't really like recruiters calling the house. usually they offer some job i'm not at all interested in. and yeah i realize they serve a useful purpose. necessary evil and all that. anywho, this guy was from the army. i was shocked. i mean shit. my oldest son is 9. going after them kinda young i snarked. patiently and in small words. he just as patiently explained that he wasn't calling for b. he was calling to see if i or my wife would like to enlist. huh. i said, sorry i'm too old. he said, you're 42. uh yeah, so? so congress raised the maximum recruitment age to 42. nice. no problems making recruitment targets there eh? anywho, i patiently explained that i didn't have any interest in working in an environment where 30% of the people don't have high school diplomas. sigh.