campaign reform
ann coultier has two faces. one is a raving loonie. the other is the exact opposite, coherent and intelligent. anywho, she was sad that it looks like mccain has a lock on the republican nomination. mccain is fairly right of center. but when you're six sigma right like ac, those who are merely one sigma right look like liberal lefties. anywho, her argument was that this was all the fault of campaign finance reform. there are now severe limits on where and how candidates can get money and from whom. good point. which pretty much limits how much advertising a candidate can do. or a group can do on behalf of a candidate. unless of course, you are the media. then you can do as much campaign stumping as you want. err.. i meant to say, you can run as many "news" programs as you want to. or need to, to get your guy in the big house. another good point. so now the game is to seize control of the media. which historically has been pretty hard on everyone. regardless of red/blue. 'course i only remember the times they're hard on my guys. the other guys deserved everything they got.