climate in vegas
if you go to vegas and study everyone there in a scientific fashion you'll find that close to half of them make money gambling. i'm not counting room, board, and transportation of course. just what happens at the tables. people invent all kinds of crazy whackadoodle systems that beat the house. and they work! just often enough to feed the illusion. and for some, no dosage of reality will budge them from their position. it's a system with lots of noise and very little signal. so are weather and climate. which are really the same thing over different time scales. scientists are generally polite to each other. they know they are just guessing when they put forth a hypothesis. and the next set of data to come along could show they're wrong. the media and that new fangled blogosphere thang can be pretty cruel. they feed on sensationalism. which sells subscriptions almost as well as sex. i, scientist, hate that shit. talking science is fun. it makes my brain grow. i'll talk science with you all day. even if we disagree. fact is, that's more fun than listening to some yes-dog. just leave the you're-so-stupid-you-should-commit-suicide baloney at home.