gulf oil
currently, i'm opposed to more drilling for oil in anwr and in the gulf of mexico. this is the last of our easy oil. once it's gone there isn't any more. if you think oil prices are high now, just wait until we no longer have the option of producing our own. when the producing countries can charge whatever they want. now, i did say currently. there are some scenarios where i'd be all gung ho to get that oil out of the ground. a war where we're in danger of losing our country. that'd make me switch. also, if that oil was to be used to switch our economy to the next thing. i'm all for using the last of our oil to permanently break our dependence on oil. that'd be a good use. though you've got some pretty serious convincing to do if you want to persuade me we're going to do anything with that oil other than temporarily maintain the status quo of cheap gas for my suv's.