hit and run
we were late to baseball practice today. we were running a little late. had to talk to a policewoman. but i'm getting ahead of myself. 0. a machine: dial the number you want. sheehs. if i knew the number i wanted to dial i would have just dialed it. you stupid computer. 411. different machine: say a city and state. me: sunnyvale california. machine: say the name of the entity you want the number for. me: sunnyvale police department. machine: please wait for an operator. a human: sunnyvale police department. (hmmm...) me: is this the sunnyvale police department? person: no. this is the operator. would you like the sunnyvale police department. me: uh yeah. (you stupid human). a machine: say "hang on" if you want to be connected to the sunnyvale police department at no additional charge. me: hang on. (who the hell designed this system?) new machine: sunnyvale police department. if you're calling about an emergency hang up and dial 911. blah blah blah. press 8 to repeat this message. 1 (guessing). human, female: sunnyvale police department. me: i just witnessed a hit and run. would you like the details? policewoman: describe the car. me: i dunno. it was white. one of them poor kid sports cars. policewoman: describe the driver. me: caucasian, dark hair, mustache. was kinda busy taking down the license number. want that? her: sure! me: we drove around the block to the car that was hit. her: describe it. me: (sheehs) white, soccer mommy, pink seat covers. want the license number? her: sure! me: it was moved about 100' from where it was hit. parked badly. one wheel was jammed up against the curb. no owner anywhere. her: weird. where was the hit and run vehicle last seen heading. me: north on fair oaks. her: k. thanks! bye. click. me: uh... (sheehs) you're welcome.