subsidy tax
does anyone besides me think it's silly to both tax and subsidize a product? we subsidize oil. and tax gasoline. seems like we could get rid of both. [uh get rid of the subsidy and the tax. not get rid of oil and gasoline. sheehs.] along with all the associated infrastructure. smaller government. lower all-over taxes. sounds like a no-brainer. heh. i'm so naive. usually profits are near the money. ie the store owner takes the biggest cut. the distributor takes the mediumest. the actual producer gets the smallest cut. unless of course the government steps in. the subsidize and tax system is a means to channel the profits from the retailer to the producer. the justification is to ensure supply. in other words, if the oil companies didn't make wall street sized profits they wouldn't produce so much. and there'd be shortages and high prices. it happens all the time in other markets. like there's a shortage of cars computers and consumer goods. yep. the shelves in walmart are practically bare.