saga 2
work canceled my vacation for an extremely important project. so my family was off having fun in michigan without me. work has pulled me away from them before. also on too short notice. but not for this long. that was hard. it wasn't entirely unexpected though. so we were prepared for the worst. or thought we were. we truly weren't. hours after the last possible moment i could catch up to them... work cancels the extremely important project my vacation was canceled for. alisa and the boys are traveling around the midwest far from convenient airports. so it'd be really tough to catch up to them. fuck. cruel. it wasn't so bad for me before. cause i had lots of stuff to do at work. now i don't. i have some stuff i can do around the house. but that still leaves lots of time for thoughts to drift to my beautiful wonderful family. and not being with them. shit. thank you work. so, how was your week?