timing is everything. we went hiking in edgewood park with the boys. there were some geocaches nearby. so we decided to stop. one was called horse apples. we found the horse apple tree. but being novice geocachers we didn't find the actual geocache. bummer. we tramped all around there. funny thing about horse apples. they apparently are balls of glue. i stepped on two. one each boot. and they stuck. and everything i stepped on after that stuck too. so my boots got heavier and heavier and heavier as they picked up sticks gravel and rocks. blech. there was no way the beautiful and talented alisa was going to let me in her car with that mess on my feet. so we took an extra minute to quarantine my boots in the trunk. on the way home we encountered a traffic slowdown. a young lady was face down in the #2 lane. motorcycle helmet and no boots. she looked pretty dead. which isn't something we really wanted the boys to be seeing. traffic hadn't backed up yet. and people were just getting out their cell phones. so it was really recent. if we hadn't stopped to shed my boots we might have seen it happen. which is definitely not something we would have wanted to the boys see.