obama will increase the ranks of the poor. this is a really beautiful statement. if obama doesn't win, arguing with me might be fun but pointless. yar. officials have been getting elected for, well, forever, by expanding the ranks of voters who get handouts. ie redefining the poverty level so folks don't have to pay taxes. or by expanding social programs far beyond their original scope. but no. the real beauty of the statement is the negative. it implies without actually saying so that mccain won't increase the ranks of the poor. it's a pretty good bet he will. for the exact same reasons, if not the same methods. and even if mccain bucks the trend, the economy's in the crapper. it's quite likely over the next presidential term or two, the ranks of the poor will increase all by themselves. even with no redefinition of what it means to be poor. which i lastly point out was not articulated in the original statement. i'm free to choose any definition that proves my case. want to make that bet? i'm gonna be so rich.