people who meet bush say he's an intelligent and honorable man. neither of which jibe real well with the things he's done. how does one wriggle out of this conundrum? how about this: whatever mental apparatus human brains use to differentiate friend and foe is broken in bush. he's a good fish. but he has no idea he's swimming with sharks. like cheney and rove. he met putin and found him to be trustworthy and honorable. and would never murder his comrades. or invade another country. bin laden is just a harmless old man. no point hunting him down. on the other side of the ledger we have saddam hussein. who was definitely a bad man. but more of a buffoon than the atomic bomb wielding world destroying menace bush told the world he was. who else goes on this list? i have no idea. ask him. apparently he's got an enemies list longer than nixon's. sad really. for all of us.