the cliche is: you can't make the poor rich by making the rich poor. true 'nuff. even if it was coined by a rich dude. this cliche is often used by the reagonomics clique to end a discussion about tax hikes for the rich. the clique thinks this means they won with a decisive argument. whereas the message received is more like: i'm too stupid to argue with. heh. i say i want to tax capital gains as normal income. that's a tax hike for the rich. that often pigeon-holes me as some sort of big government expansion of social services guy. and hence, an idiot. when really, i've just failed to communicate the whole of the plan. i know i suck at communicating. but sheehs. lotta people walking around with logs in their ears. hmm... maybe i should pull out the cliche first. you can make the poor poorer by making the rich richer. heh. or maybe. you can't make the poor rich by giving them handouts. or uh. you can't make the poor rich by giving the rich handouts.