fact in fiction
trickle down economics is a myth. as i've said before. perhaps ad nauseum. but like many myths at the root is a bit of truth that just somehow got twisted into unrecognizability. if you grow the economy, ie the pie, everyone can have a larger slice. truth. and you grow the economy by giving tax breaks to the people and businesses that drive it. so far so good. but here's where things go south. entrepreneurs drive the economy. successful entrepreneurs get rich. ergo rich people drive the economy. and here we are at tinkle down economics. erp. people who start successful businesses drive the economy. they are the ones who should be getting the tax breaks in order to grease the wheels of the machine. it doesn't make any sense to give them tax breaks /after/ they get rich. they don't need them then. we need to give them the tax breaks when they're starting out and still poor. imagine this... you've worked your ass off a long time. and against the odds you made it. now all of a sudden you find yourself with cash and tax incentives to not work and just manage your portfolio. from a tropical island. what do you do? do you go back to the grind? of course not. this is pretty much the opposite of the desired effect.