katz is doing better. she seems to have recovered control of her bowels again. whew. and has somewhat regained control of her bladder. though she seems to have forgotten exactly where the pee comes out. i swear she must be standing in the litter box and peeing over the side. anywho. she's up and about again. she's tried to jump up onto the bed a few times. but failed. the beautiful and talented alisa seems to have nursed her back to something resembling health. she scoops up katz and lets her snuggle on the bed with us for a while. she sleeps on an old pillow in the bathroom now. she needs to be close the litter box. it's a lot easier to clean cat pee off of linoleum than carpet. anywho, i kinda miss her at night. she was a bit of a katzerweight on top of the comforter. held it in place all night long. now the comforter tends to slide off the bed. usually the foot. one or both humans end up uncovered. and cold.