the question, is where do i think venture capital comes from? easy. it comes from three places: rich individuals (sugar daddies), successful corporations, and investment funds. i confess i don't really know how much comes from each group. the real question is, does it matter? i mean. would society benefit if more of the economic grease came from sugar daddies or if it came from investment funds? all money is the same color green. ah but the distinction is subtle. let me just categorically assert there will always be rich people. well, in the real world anyways. so let's go to the other extreme. suppose there are no investment funds, no pension plans, no 401k's, etc. the only reason this would happen is cause people don't have disposable income to invest. and if they don't have disposable income to invest they don't have disposable income for leisure time and luxuries. or unexpected expenses, like an illness. heh. excuse me mr sugar daddy. my wife is sick and needs an operation. i'd pay for it myself. but you have all the money. and we can't afford it. hrm. at some point the power shifts. the masses can force society to pay for universal health care. or the masses can raise their effective income (tax cuts) and reduce the income of the sugar daddies (tax hikes). pretty sure the former is socialism. if the latter has a name i don't know what it is. but in my mind it's far superior to the former. it needs a nice catchy sound bite. you know, for when i run for president. any suggestions?