fizzy waters
i recently read an article on global warming by a crazy loon. i know he was a crazy loon because the basis of his argument was that the other guy's wrong therefore he's right. actually i read two such articles. one from the left and one from the right. the left nut's position was that 90% of life on earth is gonna die. real soon. which is a position i find so absurd that i feel no urge whatsoever for rebuttal. however, one of the things the right nut stated was the soda water theory. ie the oceans are a giant fizzy beverage full of dissolved co2. when you leave such refreshment in the sun it goes flat. ie the co2 bubbles escape to the air. so the theory is, the co2 in the air came from the sun warming the oceans. let's embrace this in a scientific way. ie what prediction does it make that we can test? the obvious one is that the ocean is losing its fizz. google ocean acidity. every study i found says the oceans are becoming more acidic. ie they're getting more fizz. not less. the soda water theory sounds really good. and folks are happy to believe it because it supports what they want to believe. you just have to not look at the facts. and many many people don't. which i suppose is why it merits a post from me. now, it's entirely possible that atmospheric co2 is indeed coming from the oceans. but the soda water theory doesn't explain why. it's uh well flat.