pro writers
professional writers are very good at getting people to read their stuff. for obvious reasons. folks who use deductive reasoning also tend to be very good at what they do. unfortunately people tend to be good at one thing. it's the rare gem of an individual who's good at more than one. like my beautiful and talented wife. focus. recently i read an article by a famous journalist. they beautifully laid out fact after fact. then drew a conclusion completely not supported by said facts. in this case it was single moms cause crime. there's clearly a correlation between the two. populations that have a higher percentage of single parents tend to also have higher crime rates. true 'nuff. but are we sure which is cause and which is effect? heh. let me argue that leaves turning colors make the days get shorter. yeah. one wonders if this confusion of correlation and causality is because said journalist is an ignorant fuck. or whether it's done intentionally in order to sell their product. it's pretty repugnant either way. i suppose if our fine journalist offered some solutions we might get some insight. allow me. women should go on birth control until they get married. illegitimate pregnancies should be terminated. children should be removed from their homes after the death of either parent until the surviving spouse remarries. same for divorces. removed children can be either adopted or employed in sweat shops. or contracted as live in housekeepers. actually, given our esteemed writer's stated political bent this is more likely: divorce should just be illegal. women should have to stay in abusive relationships as long as there are minor children in the family. anywho, i'd say enough silliness. but there's a receptive audience out there to this kind of thinking. scary, eh?