i want to say this post is not an attack on religion or practicers thereof. but i suppose it is. however, if that's you then i strongly suggest you keep practicing. cause it works for you. flame me for being an unwashed heathen in your own blog. don't send me email. i won't read it. anywho, the young adult son of friends of mine was recently involved in a bicycle car collision. i wanted to comment that i'm glad he's okay and not wrecked like the bike. i am. but the first N posts were all praise gods. which made my flesh crawl. apparently some people need to be thankful when something bad happens. i guess if they didn't express thanks and look on the bright side they'd spiral into depression paralysis and presumably death. weak. but i guess long ago the human race would have died out if we didn't have a way to pick ourselves up and keep going when uncle bob got eaten by a lion. which i suppose is a good thing. otherwise i probably wouldn't be here. anywho, if i paid god 1/8th of my earnings for his protection i'd expect him to keep my kid completely out of the accident. or maybe god has limits. like he's omniscient and omnipotent enough to keep the kid safe when the shit hits the fan. but not omnipotent or omnipotent enough to keep the kid out of the shit storm in the first place. i'll keep shopping for a better god.